Aloe mix - 10 seeds
Most Aloe species have a rosette of large, thick, fleshy leaves. Aloe flowers are tubular, frequently yellow, orange, pink, or red, and are borne, densely clustered and pendant, at the apex of simple or branched, leafless stems. Many species of Aloe appear to be stemless, with the rosette growing directly at ground level; other varieties may have a branched or unbranched stem from which the fleshy leaves spring. They vary in color from grey to bright-green and are sometimes striped or mottled.
When planting Aloes, it’s of extreme importance to provide good substrate drainage. For example, you can use a mixture of garden soil, sand and perlite. You can use coconut peat too at the beginning. It’s necessary to sterilize the substrate in a microwave for 3 mins or in the oven at 350°F (180°C) for 45 minutes.
You can plant Aloes in any kind of container. See-through plastic containers are the most practical, because you can easily see how damp the substrate is at any time. Ceramic containers are not recommended. It’s necessary that the container has numerous holes at the bottom, so that the excess of water can flow easily.
Make the substrate and put it in the container, but as you do that be careful not to overfill the container. It’s best to leave at least 0.8 inches (2cm) to the top. You can correctly water the substrate during planting in the following way: the container in which the seed is planted should be sunk in water (it’s best to use rain or boiled water). You can do it by filling any container with the amount of water needed to fill half of a container used for sowing. Leave the container in water for some time, until you see that the surface of the substrate is wet. After you see that, you can take the container out of the water and leave it to dry well.
You should put Aloe seeds on the surface of the prepared substrate, gently pushing them with a straight object. You don’t need to cover the seeds with substrate.
You can keep the moisture in the container in various ways. You can use nylon and position it with a rubber band to the container. The best way to do this is to simply put the container into a plastic bag with a zip opener.
Bag with the container should NOT be opened for at least three months. After those three months, you should open the bag every day for half an hour so that the seedlings which germinated can slowly start to get accustomed to the climate which is different from the one it’s been in. You should do this for a month, after which the plant will be completely ready to leave the bag.
Light plays an important role in lives of your baby Aloes now. Put them on a bright spot, under no circumstances exposed to direct sunlight and spray it from time to time. You may need to repot them only when the plants start running out of space or the container is too shallow.