Cheiridopsis caroli-schmidtii - 20 seeds
Cheiridopsis caroli-schmidtii - 20 seeds

Cheiridopsis caroli-schmidtii - 20 seeds

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Cheiridopsis caroli-schmidtii is a small leaf succulent, 5-10 cm tall and 15-20 cm in diameter; it clumps easily and forms a mound of withered leaves. Leaves are thick, opposite, joined at the base, fleshy, three-angled and keeled, silvery green with conspicuous transparent dots (translucent in backlight) in a group of two or three pairs, with the shorter drier outside pair framing the larger younger inner pair. Flowers are chrome yellow, daisy-like, solitary, and pedicellate about 3.5 cm in diameter, and their size gradually increases in the course of several days after blooming.


A great genus for greenhouse cultivation. Plants flower freely in warm climes.

Watering: winter watering regime, commence watering from autumn. Water should be withheld during the hot summer months. Over-watering can cause the leave to burst and/or cause rot.

Fertilizer: Use a well-balanced fertilizer, 2:2:2. Feed plants once a month.

Soil: Well-drained sandy, mineral-rich soil.

Light: A bright spot suits these plants best but protect plants from sudden increases in temperature.

Temperature: Protect from frost. 

Sow seeds from early autumn to late autumn in 12.5cm or even 10cm pots. Seeds can be sown directly on top of the soil; it's not necessary to cover the seeds with a layer of soil. After sowing the seeds directly onto the soil, wet the soil using a fine spray. Cover the pot with clear plastic and fasten it with an elastic band.

Pots should be put in a shaded (40% shade-cloth) spot. Seeds should start germinating after a couple of days. Remove the plastic a few days after the seeds have started germinating; if left on to long rot, it will kill off the seedlings.

The first year the seedlings can be watered frequently, approximately every 2-4 days (if your soil stays moist longer than that, water your plants less). At every watering, use a well-balanced fertilizer (a quarter of the recommended amount for ornamental plants or seedlings).

After the first year, seedlings should be big enough to separate and be planted into their own pots (Cheiridopsis peculiaris may take longer to reach maturity). Once plants have been placed into their individual pots, they can be gradually introduced into stronger and eventually full sunlight. Most plants will flower within 2 to 3 years.


  • Four parts washed river sand
  • Four parts sand (not extremely fine)
  • 1 part well-sieved compost
  • Sterilize sand in an oven or microwave oven.