Echeveria pulvinata v Ruby - 20 seeds
Echeveria pulvinata v Ruby - 20 seeds
Echeveria pulvinata v Ruby - 20 seeds

Echeveria pulvinata v Ruby - 20 seeds

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Echeveria pulvinata ‘Ruby Blush’ is a very attractive small shrubby succulent plant, up to 12 inches (15 cm) tall and sprawling to several feet in width with stems that are tipped with small rosettes holding thick spathulate green leaves with all parts densely covered with silvery white hairs. In cold weather, leaves blush rose-red and look like red velvet. In late winter into spring (sometime later) appears the arching 1 foot (30 cm) tall inflorescence holding racemes of yellow and orange bell-shaped flowers.


1. Sterilize substrate (3+ minutes in a microwave or 50 mins in an oven)
2. Planters should be about 1.5 inches deep. Fill a container with good draining soil. Good drainage is essential; 50% regular potting soil with 50% coarse sand, perlite, or pebbles (~0.15 inch)
3. Echeverias have tiny seeds that should not be covered with soil. They germinate best at 18-20 °C temperatures.
4. Equally Water the substrate with water - place a piece of a napkin on top of the substrate and slowly pour the water over it.
5. Let the container soak up water for 5 minutes. Leave the container to drain out the water surplus.
6. Spread the seeds over the substrate, leave some space between them.
7. Put the whole container into a zip bag to keep humidity
8. Avoid exposing to direct sunlight, but provide them with light - place them in some bright place.
9. The germination process usually starts within four days – two weeks
10. Start opening the container gradually so that the seedlings can get used to the new air conditions. Seedlings need some moisture, the substrate shouldn’t be dry, but don’t overwater. and they need an ample amount of light – but not direct sunlight
11. Repot them when you notice that seedlings are space-limited
12. Examine pots daily for fungus infection. Treat with fungicide if the infection appears