Agave ferdinandi-regis (King Ferdinand Agave) - 10 seeds
Agave ferdinandi-regis (King Ferdinand Agave) - 10 seeds

Agave ferdinandi-regis (King Ferdinand Agave) - 10 seeds

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The shapely, very beautiful Agave ferdinandi-regis (a.k.a King agave) is closely allied to the other 'royal' agave, namely the beautiful Agave victoria-reginae and often confused with it, but instead of silver colored margins has dark reddish brown edges. This small slow-growing agave is also known as Agave victoriae-reginae var. laxior or Agave victoriae-regina var. nickelsii, it is now considered by some authors (lumpers) only a variant of Agave victoria-reginae and fully synonymized with it, but these two plants looks quite distinct, there does not appear to be any 'transition' forms in nature, which one would expect to see if these two were really the same. Also this plant grows to nearly twice the size of the other.


It requires well-drained soil and light shade to full sun exposure, but they prefer some afternoon shade during the hottest summer month to avoid being fried by the sun. It should be kept relatively dry in winter or dormant season with minimum temperatures above zero to obtain good results. Still, it will tolerate quite low temperatures ( -10° C), mainly when dry. To give this marvelous plant vigor and life, water well during spring and summer and let it become barely moist between waterings.

Fertilizer: Feed only twice a year, once in April and once in July, with a water-soluble potassium-rich fertilizer. Along the coast or in areas where there are no frosts, these plants may be cultivated with success outdoors where their beauty is better observed. In cold climates, it is advisable to cultivate these plants in pots in order to protect them during the winter in dry, fresh rooms. Plant pests: Prone to mealy bugs and scale. Always inspect any new plant for pests before introducing it to your home or greenhouse. Requires good ventilation and avoid over-watering.